We recognise the uncertainty that Coronavirus (COVID-19) may be causing. This situation will remain under review and we will continue to monitor this situation.
We will do everything we can to help customers; we continue to follow the Scottish Governments Guide Lines as they are updated.
Below are our guidelines that we are following now
- Jedi Cleaning Services Ltd
Coronavirus Polic AIM: Our aim is to utilise ongoing current government and NHS policies and advice to:
Protect our people – our employees, any sub-contractors and our client’s staff and premises;
Keep the business operational for the benefit of our people both our staff and our clients.
HOW: To review procedures and practices on a daily basis in light of new information and keep staff updated and informed. Client requirements to be reviewed and responses tailored to support the client, our business and our staff to ensure needs are met safely.
All staff to be kept up to date with Government and NHS guidelines on keeping safe: Letters to be sent to all staff with key messages and links to websites:
2 metres apart – most of our cleaning is completed when clients have left the premises – reducing risk; staff to report any issues with keeping 2 metre apart distance;
Hand washing
Protective gloves
Avoid touching face
Disposable tissues
What to do if you or someone in your household shows symptoms
All staff working on client sites to be provided with a risk assessment; (see attached). Risk assessments to be discussed with staff to ensure understanding. • Review generic risk assessment and make any changes adaptions necessary for specific site; • Determine how staff member travels to client site. If on public transport establish level of risk, provide masks, consider alternatives. • Listen to cleaning staff if they have any concerns or recommendations
Staff who are furloughed, provide regular updates on status of their client sites and potential for returning to work/re-opening. Establish staff personal circumstances to return to work (i.e., childcare issues or self -isolation).
Staff who are sick or self isolating: Keep in touch, establish nature of illness and dates to ensure no returning of work prior to government recommendations.
Staff who are classed as vulnerable or high risk. • Identify any staff who are in this category. Ensure they can work safely given measures in place. If not, then they must not attend work.
Establish with the client their working arrangements, discuss and advise on the cleaning provision required to support cleaning of the workplace to mitigate risk and maximise safety;
Adapt risk assessment to client circumstances and discuss with cleaning team;
Use high touch point check-list; SaniMaster 6; colour coding; gloves;
Follow government guidelines for cleaning provision.
Specifically agree:
Pre-opening needs – where clients have been shut:-
Cleaning provision prior to re-opening – ensuring all areas are sanitised with SaniMaster 6;
Does client need stock of hand sanitiser etc.
Process for hand-washing sanitising on entry to site (client staff and cleaning staff).
Keeping the workplace clean
Review task schedule with client to determine any adaptions needed in context of Coronavirus Covid-19
Ensure client site has adequate products, SaniMaster 6 for virus control;
Determine needs for frequent cleaning of objects and surfaces throughout the day, (door handles, keyboards)
Determine disposal arrangements;
Ensure thorough cleaning of all horizontal areas and high touch points
Handwashing signs, posters etc., on client site?
Does the client need sanitiser etc..
Showers and changing rooms will require enhanced cleaning throughout the day.
Suspected outbreaks of Covid 19
Clients must inform SM of any outbreaks on their site.
Government guidelines for cleaning in non-healthcare settings to be followed.
The infection risk decreases over time. Studies suggest the risk is likely to be reduced significantly after 72 hours;
Operations Manager or supervisors will supervise cleaning where an outbreak has occurred to ensure safety of our staff and that the cleaning is carried out effectively.
Overview (full guidelines to be followed)
Cleaning the area with SaniMaster 6, which meets emerging pathogen standards and has been successful in killing previous Coronavirus strains;
Wearing of disposable gloves, aprons and face masks for cleaning. These should be double-bagged, then stored securely for 72 hours then thrown away in the regular rubbish after cleaning is finished;
Disposal cloths, mop heads to be used
Using a disposable cloth, first clean hard surfaces with warm soapy water. Then disinfect these surfaces with SaniMaster 6. Pay particular attention to frequently touched areas and surfaces, stairwells and door handles, door plates etc
Steam clean any upholstered furniture
Wash hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, and after removing gloves, aprons and other protection used while cleaning
SM staff will wash their hands when entering the client premises as the first thing they do; and wash hands on leaving sites. Alternatively use hand sanitiser.
All cloths to be washed at 90 degrees
No staff to share food Do not share office equipment (phones, desks, IT equipment) – office based staff.
Continue to operate as normal as far as possible with all additional measures as required.
Reassure customers of the steps we are taking;
Create Business Continuity Plan. Ensure all staff is aware of its contents
Use your business WhatsApp group to communicate with employees.
Communicate frequently with staff.
Continue to quote for new work a. By telephone where possible. b. By quote visit but adhering to all Health & Safety guidelines.
Keep 2 metres distance from customers as far as possible.
Create a list of all customers suspending their cleaning; determine with them interim cleaning needs and back to work cleaning needs;.
Keep all staff in work (where possible), unpaid days off, paid holidays etc. Furlough scheme. Facilitate best financial outcome for staff whilst balancing needs of our clients.
Produce overall plan for delivering services to client’s v cleaner availability
Review cash flow status regularly
Contact Us on : Freephone: 07833320801